News |
September 13th, 2009
Karl has joined forces with Wilde West Music as a musical
writer, producer, engineer and guitar player for television series and promo spots. One series in particular is scheduled
for release in February; we can't reveal any details, as it's still "under wraps," but rest assured,
once details are known, you'll find them here.
If you are interested in having Karl play guitar, bass or sing on any projects, or if you are looking
to have him write, produce, and/or engineer on any projects, or if you want to book time in his
studio, Voodooland Studios, please contact me at webmaster@karlcochran.com
I have updated the Discography Page to reflect several projects that Karl has
engineered, produced and played on over the past few years. Sunstorm's "House of Dreams," ZO2's "Casino Logic" and
Icarus Witch's "Songs for the Lost" have been added. |
August 30th, 2009
Rage and Beyond Review - Brian Rademacher from RockEyez.com gave a
great review of "Corporate Nation" on the site. Click
HERE to see it.
Hindenberg - The Led Zep tribute band Karl is in will be at Dingbatz in Clifton, NJ on Saturday
September 26th, so all you New Jersey fans will get a taste of the best Led Zep tribute band
around. Looking forward to seeing you there. See the TOUR PAGE
for details. |
July 16th, 2009
Jeff Goldberg Memorial Benefit - Some of you will remember Jeff Goldberg who came out to Far Cry gigs all the time over the years. Jeff was tragically killed in an accident while riding his Harley a short time ago.
His sister, Jodi, was left with the loss of her brother, plus all the unplanned expenses of his funeral.
Far Cry will be playing at a benefit in Avenel Park in Avenel, New Jersey as follows to help raise money for her:
Saturday, August 1, 2009
2-8 pm.
Avenel Park, Avenel, NJ.
Adults - $20.00 a person
Kids 12 - 17 - $10.00
Kids under 12 - FREE
Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Sausage & Peppers, Eggplant, Beer, Soda & So Much More...
Volleyball, Horseshoes 50/50's & Raffles
Kids Face Painting & Balloon Art
Enjoy Live Music from 4 Bands...
"Headcase" "Get Your Guns" "Far Cry" & "Bad Attitude"
Save the date and come out for a good time for a great cause!
All proceed go to Jeff's sister, Jodi Torres for Funeral costs and Burial Expenses
***If you have any questions or if anyone would like to also make any food for the benefit to keep the cost down please let me know.***
June 29th, 2009
Lots of news to report, including one BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!
Hindenberg - Karl will be doing several Hindenberg dates in NY in July and August. Check out
the TOUR PAGE for dates/times/locations.
Rage and Beyond - Karl has completed work on a brand new album of all new, ALL ORIGINAL,
material. The band is called Rage and Beyond, and the new album is entitled "Corporate Nation,"
which was recorded, co-written, co-produced, and co-engineered by Karl and his partner, Ed Terry.
This album features performances by Karl, who played guitar, Ed Terry who sang vocals and
played keyboards, Paul Dileo who played bass (remember he played with Karl at the last several Joe Lynn Turner dates, and
also has been touring with Nena of 99 Luftbaloons fame for years), and Bobby Marks on drums (he toured with Dokken
last summer).
The album was mixed by Kevin Shirley of Caveman Productions
in Malibu, California. This guy has worked with quite literally EVERYBODY, including Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden,
Aerosmith, Journey, Metallica, Black Crowes and many, many others.
The album was mastered by Ted Jensen, the Chief Mastering Engineer of Sterling Sound in NYC.
He's another guy who's worked with everybody including Kid Rock, Green Day, Nickleback, and many others.
Karl and Ed started writing and collaborating on this album over a year and a half ago, and the
result is what is quite possibly the best work Karl has ever done to date. Anybody (including me,
the webmaster) who has heard it has been absolutely blown away. We're still waiting for the CD's
to be finished pressing (they just went to press last week), but as soon as it's done, I'll
work on getting some samples on here.
And here's the best part, the CD will be released on July 18th at the Riverhead Blues and Music Festival in Riverhead, NY,
where Rage and Beyond will close out the night with a live performance.
Saturday July 18th, 2009
Riverhead Blues and Music Festival 2009, Riverhead, NY
where they will be officially releasing their new album entitled "Corporate Nation."
Directions are HERE Showtime:9:15pm
Here's the band:

February 28th, 2009
Far Cry dates for March have been posted, along with a Hindenberg date in April,
so make sure to check them out. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Speaking of Hindenberg, there are a few pretty cool YouTube videos to see of Karl
playing live at BB King's in NYC back in July 2008. Go to HERE
to check them out. Click on the "Videos" link.
For those who don't know, there are a couple of MySpace pages set up, one for Far Cry and one for
Karl. Karl's page is HERE and
Far Cry's is HERE. I tend to
put many more photos on those pages as opposed to here. I just put about 100 new photos on
Karl's MySpace page of recent Hindenberg and Joe Lynn Turner dates, so check 'em out.
I'll put all the MySpace and Hindenberg links on the LINKS PAGE
for your reference. |
Still Available!
Voodooland's "Give Me Air" ,featuring performances by: John Corabi (Motley Crue, Union, The Scream), Brent Fitz (Union, Vince Neil), Bob Daisley (Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Gary Moore), Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow), Ace Frehley (KISS), Eric Singer (KISS, Badlands, Black Sabbath, Gary Moore) is now available. This album is blowing fans and critics away, and getting rave reviews!
Order your autographed copy here today. |